Friday, April 12, 2013

Coming Home

I recently stumbled upon a poem that has brought me great inspiration, and spoke to me a deep truth that I have recently been learning through my own life experience.  I felt compelled to share these words with you here, in hopes that you too will be touched by the message so eloquently written by this author, Jane Hooper.  Almost two years ago, what started for me as back injury, transformed into a profound healing journey, way beyond addressing my physical symptoms.  My recovery has required of me a deep listening to what my body and spirit has needed to heal.  Each and every step of my own healing process has pointed me in one direction:  Home.  Literally and metaphorically- Home.  Every cell in my being is calling me to be here, at home within myself, and to truly remember my own body as the ultimate place of rest, where healing can truly occur.  Finding my way home to myself has deepened my connection to life- to my family, my friends, my community, and how I live, breathe, and act in each and every moment.  Spending more time here, in the sanctuary of home, is offering me guidance and inspiration in my ability to help others find this place of healing and rest within themselves.  Thank you to everyone in my life who has helped me return to home. I have a new found appreciation of the saying " home is where the heart is". 

I believe that coming home, really, really coming home to yourself,  is the one thing that can heal everything.  

Below is the poem that helped me to remember the beauty of coming home.  - a big thanks to Jane Hooper, the author of these words. 

Please come home.  Please come home. 

Please come home.  Please come home. 
Find the place where your feet know how to walk,
and follow your own trail home. 

Please come home. Please come home into your own body, 
your own vessel, your own earth. 
Please come home into each and every cell, 
and fully into the space that surrounds you. 

Please come home. Please come home to trusting yourself, 
and your instincts and your ways and your knowings, 
and even the particular quirks of your personality. 

Please come home. Please come home and once you are firmly there, 
please stay home a while and come to a deep rest within. 
Please treasure your home. Please love and embrace your home. 
Please get a deep, deep sense of what it is like to truly be home. 

Please come home. Please come home and when you are really, really ready, 
and there is a detectable urge on the out breath, then please come out. 
Please come home and please come forward. 
Please express who you are to us, and please trust us, to see you and hear you and touch you, 
and recognize you as best we can. 

Please come home. Please come home and let us know 
all the nooks and crannies that are calling to be seen. 
Please come home and let us know the More that is there and wants to come out. 

Please come home, please come home, 
for you belong here now.  You belong fully among us. 
Please inhabit your place fully so we can learn from you, 
from your voice, and your ways and your presence. 

Please come home, please come home, 
and when you feel yourself home, please welcome us too. 
For we forget that we belong and are welcome, 
and that we are called to express and fully be who we are. 

Please come home. Please come home. 
You and you and you and me. 

Please come home. Please come home. 
Thank you Earth for welcoming us, 
and thank you touch of eyes and ears and skin, 
touch of love for welcoming us. 

May we wake up and remember who we truly are.  

Please come home. Please come home.